NEC (National executive committee)
angela davies, abdi duale, peter mason, anu prashar, jane thomas, mary wimbury

Angela Davies (L1191960)
I believe passionately in our party values – equality, community, tolerance, solidarity and a socially just society. I want to continue putting my Labour values into action and serve people in our communities as well as our party.
For the last 30 years, I am proud to have worked in the substance misuse and mental health field in our precious NHS. I am passionate about tackling inequality in all its forms.
As a councillor on Wirral Borough Council and as Deputy Leader of the Labour Group, I understand the challenges our communities and public services face. I really enjoy being a community champion, avid campaigner and activist, and have the experience, energy, knowledge and skills that are required to serve on the National Executive Committee.
I am on the North West Regional Executive Committee, as well as CLP Treasurer, and Campaign Coordinator for our Borough Campaign Group. I also serve as a school governor, and as a board member for our local Youth Zone and a men’s mental health charity.
I am a member of Managers in Partnership (part of UNISON) and Christians on the Left.

Abdi Duale (L1396053)
Abdi Duale was first elected to the NEC in 2022, becoming the first ever black man elected to the party’s National Executive. Since then Abdi has served on the party’s audit and risk committee, vice chair of NEC Equalities Subcommittee, and chaired dozens of selection panels.
A seasoned party activist, Abdi was a party organiser in Ealing during the 2017 General Election, and Canterbury in 2019. He is also a member of GMB Union London Executive and former National Campaigns Officer for LGBT+ Labour.

Peter Mason (L0057921)

Anu Prashar (L1207708)
I’m Anu Prashar, equality campaigner, trade unionist and hardworking Labour activist. We’ve changed our party and I will make sure that change continues. But our mission isn’t just about winning elections, it’s about reshaping our country for the better.
I’ll keep our focus razor-sharp on creating green jobs and rebuilding public services. Growing up on a council estate in an immigrant family, my dad, a ‘postie’ and my mum, a factory worker, I saw how Labour in power can transform lives.
As CLP Chair and LCF Secretary, I’m committed to providing the right local support so every member can contribute to our mission.
From day one in my first job I joined the union, and I’ve fought tooth and nail for workers rights as a vocal activist in UNISON. I will protect the trade union link, the backbone of our movement.
I’m BAME officer of LGBT+ Labour and Chair of UNISON’s regional LGBT+ committee. As an Asian lesbian I’ve spent my life battling for equality and I will bring the same determination to rooting out discrimination in our party and creating opportunity for all.

Jane Thomas (A784581)
Labour is now in power after 14 years of misrule and social and economic vandalism from the Tories. It's a testament to the hard work of members who knew that the Party had to change to make it electable. Having made some hard decisions to get us back on course we cannot afford to squander that - and this victory. We must get squarely behind Keir Starmer, and not allow internal divisions to blow us off course.
We now need to deliver for those communities and people who have been crying out for change.
I'm a member of Yorkshire and Humber Regional Board and Co Director of Labour to Win. I was formerly Head of England team at Friends of the Earth, remain a committed devolutionist and to closer ties with Europe. I led on the election of Labour's first mayor to South Yorkshire.
But my biggest priority will be to ensure we focus on the prize of a second [and third] term Labour government; to have a strong local Labour government presence up and down the country; to breathe new life into our CLPs; to build our membership.
Please also support Davies, Duale, Mason, Prashar and Wimbury

Mary Wimbury (A555105)
Labour’s focus must be on getting into Government to tackle the cost of living crisis and climate change, alongside rebuilding public services.We also need NEC reps who will constructively challenge on behalf of ordinary members.
To win power in Westminster we need to take back and hold the rural and coastal seats and small towns we held 20 years ago. Such areas are under-represented at Labour’s top table. I’m a Constituency Secretary in North Wales but joined the party as a teenager in Kent and have been an officer and an activist in Yorkshire and London. I understand how the party works - warts and all. I’m a former parliamentary candidate, General Election Agent, Local Campaign Committee Chair, CLP Chair and Women’s Officer. I’m on the NEC of our sister party, the Co-op Party, trustee of a national education charity and my day job is running a social care organisation. I’m a member of Community Union and the GMB. I know what’s needed for good governance and if elected I’d uphold high standards, be accessible to members and report back regularly.

Mike Payne (A235312)
It was a huge honour to have been elected as your Party Treasurer in 2022, and as I reach the end of my first term, I ask for your continued support, and for your CLPs nomination.
As the General Election, gets closer, I remain committed to ensuring that the Party is financially resilient and sustainable, whilst also providing CLPs with the resources needed to win. More organisers, training for candidates & activists, and strong finances will help make us General Election Ready.
As a lifelong Trade Unionist, I have dedicated my whole career to serving this great Movement, as a Senior GMB Officer, Chair of the affiliated Unions in Wales, as a Councillor, & as Chair of the Welsh Executive Committee.
I understand the importance of providing a strong voice for our membership, at the highest level within our Party.
I have always fought for the values that the Trade Union & Labour Movement holds dear, Equality, Fairness, Social Justice, and an end to discrimination, and War.
If elected I will continue to give voice to the genuine concerns of members within our great Party.
Please support me as your Labour Party Treasurer.
Yours in Comradeship & Solidarity
bame rep

Carol Sewell (L0121663)
For the past four years, I’ve been proud to represent Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Members on our NEC. I’m standing to be your voice once again.
I’m proud that as your representative on the NEC:
• I’ve fought for – and won – changes to our party’s positions through the National Policy Forum, including on implementing the Windrush Lessons Learned Review, stopping the misuse of “stop and search” and ensuring the next Labour government will introduce changes that drive up BAME representation in Parliament.
• I’ve secured new codes of conduct on Afrophobia and Anti-Black Racism and Islamophobia.
• I worked to reintroduce the Bernie Grant Leadership Programme.
If re-elected, I will fight for:
• Greater representation in Parliament, following through on our commitment to changing the law to allow All Black Shortlists – making sure our party reflects the diversity of our party and the communities we seek to serve. We must ensure greater representation for those – like Black men – who are far too often under-represented in our party.
• More Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic voices in Local Government – especially at a senior level.
Re-elect Carol Sewell – I will continue to fight your corner on our NEC.
youth rep

Elsie Greenwood (L1243506)
I am standing to be re-elected as your youth representative on a strong record and with a plan for the term ahead.
My record:
– I have been accessible and accordingly always advocate in the interest of young members.
– At the NPF I submitted motions on climate change, housing, LGBT+ rights and voter-ID.
– I supported changes to make our party outward facing and ready for government.
– I worked with trade unions, ensuring the voices of young trade unionists were heard
– I repeatedly raised issues of sexual harassment and the need to safeguard young members.
– I am a campaigner. I am not afraid to do the hard work. I attended numerous by-elections and regularly go out doorknocking
My plan:
This is simple – continue building a party fit for power. Ensure our party is ready to fight and win the next election.
I will continue to advocate for young members and if we are lucky enough to form the next government, I will ensure we have young people’s interests at the heart of all we do.
Nominate, and vote for Elsie Greenwood for a reliable and driven campaigner on Labour’s NEC
Welsh rep

Ann Jones OBE (A310245)
Wales needs a Labour government in Westminster to work alongside
Vaughan and our Labour Senedd team.
I’ve been a Labour member and trade unionist for 40+ years. I’ve served
as a town and county councillor and represented fire service control staff
nationally for the FBU.
For 22 years, I was privileged to serve my community in north Wales as
Senedd Member for the Vale of Clwyd.
The party runs through my veins. Since stepping down from the Senedd,
I’ve continued to be a volunteer party activist. I campaign with
candidates across North Wales. In April, I was elected Chair of our
Welsh Executive Committee.
I have represented our nation globally. I now seek your support to
represent Welsh Labour on the NEC.
People who know me will tell you I am tenacious and driven by Labour
values. I will always stand up for our movement, using the skills I learned
in my trade union experience (with the FBU and Unison) and in the
We know that when Labour wins, Labour changes lives.
I will always advocate for bold, effective, compassionate Labour
government that changes people’s lives for the better, here in Wales and
across the world.
local government reps
Local government reps are nominated by Council Labour Groups, not by CLPs.

Claire Holland (A838045)
I have been a councillor since 2014 and leader of LB Lambeth since 2021. As a life-long labour activist and trade unionist, I stood for my local council to fight for free access to sports facilities for local young people. Since then I have worked with residents, colleagues and community groups to deliver on this and, in addition to enshrining turn up and play for free in our local manifesto 2022, we successfully brought our leisure services back in house a year later. We have delivered on our commitment to offer concessions to low-income residents and young people and asylum seekers, fulfilling on our commitment as a leading borough of sanctuary.

Peter Wheeler (A149391)
After 14 wasted Tory years, the General Election saw Labour winning across the Country. Winning in areas that have never been Labour before as well as regaining the trust of former strongholds.
As a local Councillor, Trade Unionist and Labour Party member of 50 years standing, I believe I have the experience, passion and commitment to our Labour values to help secure the best possible partnership between our councillors and our Government - delivering real results for the people we represent.
I’d like to pay tribute to the work Tudor and Nesil have done for Labour local government and also ask you to support the election of Claire Holland, leader of Lambeth, to the NEC.
NCC (National Constitutional Committee)
Christine bayliss, Brahmpreet Kaur, hajira piranie, sioned-Mair Richards, arooj shah

Christine Bayliss (A960255)
I’ve been a member of the Labour Party since 1997 when I studied at the London School of Economics as a mature student. I have since served as the Chair of my CLP, Vice Chair Campaigns and I am currently the Labour Group leader on Rother District Council having first been elected as a councillor in 2019. At the recent General Election, I stood as the parliamentary candidate for Bexhill and Battle reducing the Tory majority from 26K to just 2,600 votes.
After attending University I went on to work as a civil servant in the Department of Education. There I witnessed first-hand a Labour Government transforming children’s and young people’s lives and saw for myself the difference a Labour Government can make. I’m excited that after 14 years of failure, we once again have a Labour Government that puts people and the country first. However, being the party of Government means that now more than ever, we need to maintain high standards of behaviour within the party.
If I am elected to serve as an NCC member I am committed to applying party rules without prejudice, fairly and objectively.

Brahmpreet Kaur (L1938735)
As a 23-year-old, Indian female, coming from a working-class background there have been many challenges growing up. Whether that be my parents working day and night to make a living or escaping educational challenges. To even being told I wouldn’t make it to university.
All odds are against individuals like me, but I graduated in Religion, Politics and Society from King’s College London and am currently working in national security.
I strongly believe that it is my responsibility to ensure that individuals are not held back in society often due to the unfair circumstances around them. I understand and will continue to represent the values of the Labour Party which are fundamental to ensuring everyone has a fair chance.
I will bring objectively and fairness and a commitment to upholding Labour’s rules and high standards of behaviour to hearing cases as an NCC member.
Leicester Young Labour BAME Officer
Leicester Young Labour co- Chair
Future Candidates Programme graduate

Hajira Piranie (L1199546)
I have been an active member of the Labour Party for over a decade, a former Parliamentary Candidate, & currently a member of the East Midlands Regional Board.
I am a young mother and a trade union organiser. I represent our public sector workers and negotiate for their fair pay and conditions. Fairness and equality are the values that are dear to me. I studied my Masters in Human Rights & Global Ethics and I am currently studying Employment Law. I will always uphold the law and this commitment will be reflected in my role on the NCC. I am deeply committed to our party's values and to ensuring that all members have a voice in our decision-making processes.
At the centre of my judgments will be ensuring justice is delivered to all, as well as holding all members to the highest standards of conduct and ensuring that cases are addressed swiftly and justly.
Please support me with your vote. Together, we can uphold the integrity and values of the Labour Party.

Sioned-Mair Richards (A558860)
I joined the Labour Party in the early 90s to see a fairer Britain. I knew only Labour had the values to make this happen. There was Tory sleaze at the time, there is Tory sleaze now. And it has gotten worse. Cronyism, the special COVID contracts. They stink. The Tories say “Oh they’re all the same”. We need to show we’re not; that integrity and transparency are our watch words.
As a Sheffield City Councillor I was Group Chief Whip. I chaired the Audit & Standards Committee for three years and also that of the South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority. In these roles I led complex enquiries into complaints made about both councillors and officers’ sorted them out.
Discipline in the Party has to be fair and seen to be fair. It also needs to be undertaken in a timely manner. We cannot have people hanging around waiting for their case to be dealt with. I want to bring my experience and commitment to push to make this happen.
Please nominate and vote for me in the CLP section of the NCC and also nominate and vote for Brahmpreet Kaur and Arooj Shah.

Arooj Shah (L0042486)
I am currently in my second year as Chair of the National Constitution Committee. I’m also the Leader of Oldham Council, and previously served as a Commissioner on Gordon Brown’s Commission on the UK’s Future.
As we approach a General Election this year, it is so important that the Labour Party is ready to govern, and it's crucial that our rules are followed by our members and that any issues are dealt with robustly and fairly. I believe my record as NCC Chair shows my willingness to do this and to help create a Labour movement we can all be proud of and one that the public trusts to be Britain’s Future.
Please also nominate :
NPF (national policy forum)
East midlands
kelly duddridge, neghat nawaz khan, rory palmer, ruby simpson (youth)

Kelly Duddridge (L1801850)
It would be an absolute honour if elected to represent the voices of East Midlands on the NPF in Labour's first year of government.
July's election result was clear and definitive: the country wants change and Labour's manifesto must now be delivered to ensure that change is achieved. Over the last 6 months in Wellingborough & Rushden CLP: we’ve won 2 council by-elections, a Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner election, a Recall Petition, a Westminster By-election & the General Election. We have won each by listening to the community and addressing their concerns. It’s a winning formula.
During that same period, I was informed that the wait for my children's SEND assessments would take 4 years and was also served an eviction notice.
Public services have been neglected and the effects are felt everywhere every day.
We have a lot of challenging work ahead of us repairing the damage caused by 14 years of Conservative government and it will take more than one term to put right.
We’ve shown we can develop winning strategies and policies the country can believe in. We must continue delivering for Labour and now for the Country.
Please also nominate Rory Palmer, Nathan Oswin, Ruby Simpson and Neghat Khan.

Neghat Nawaz Khan (L0101522)
My name is Neghat Khan and for the past 10 years I’ve been a Nottingham City Councillor. I’m a member of GMB and Co-op union and it’s been an honour to be your NPF rep for the past two years, part of the Safe and Secure Communities Policy commission.
I stood on a platform of engaging with you, listening to your views, and delivering them at the heart of Labour’s policy making. I’ve spent two years making this a reality, delivering a manifesto we all can be proud off.
Local government has been under attack by this callous Tory government. Budgets have been slashed, services dismantled, and one in five councils say they will be insolvent by next year. Our next manifesto will need to secure and improve services delivered by our local authorities.
I want to work with you to reach out to voters across the region, engaging around policy issues that matter to them. I’m confident that together, we can deliver a labour victory and Keir Starmer as our next Prime Minister. I would also encourage you to support Kelly Duddridge, Nathan Oswin, Rory Palmer and Ruby Simpson (Youth Rep).

Nathan Oswin (L0117251)
Our last manifesto helped secure a Labour Government for the first time in 14 years, now we must deliver change and build on that victory.
As one of your National Policy Forum (NPF) reps these last two years I’ve fought for our East Midlands, securing policy on justice, health, our NHS and international co-operation.
I want to stand up for you and our region once again, securing the investment we need and policy positions for our region, ensuring that next time we can build on Labours victory and deliver a second term.
We know the challenges we face will take more than one term to fix and we have to have the policies that show we can deliver on hope and help people realise Reform will not make our country a better place. I want to help make sure after the next election they have no MPs here.
As a Trade Unionist , campaigner and trustee with Hillsborough Law I’ve shown I can help make change happen, empowering people and making their voice and lived experience heard.
I hope you’ll join me in also voting for Rory Palmer, Neghat Khan and Kelly Duddridge and Ruby Simpson (Youth) for the NPF.

Rory Palmer (L0001989)

Ruby Simpson (Youth Rep) (L1920820)
We won the election! From 8 Labour MPs in our region to 29, and young activists like us helped to deliver them. As Chair of East Midlands Young Labour, I am proud of the contribution we made – political change starts with good organising. Our new Labour Government must be brave and bold in delivering the change we need. Our party activists must continue to have a strong voice in this government through the NPF.
I have experience across our movement, from the Young Labour National Committee, Vice Chair of the Cooperative Party’s Youth Committee, Vice Chair and Youth Officer in my CLP, and the Young Fabians, I know our movement. If we want to make a difference in government, we need experience to connect our movement to bring change.
I would connect our policy and campaigns working with Trade Unions and affiliates, to bring those voices into the heart of policy making. This is our opportunity to shape the next Labour government and help it win a second term.
Our strength and our future are in connecting our values, experience and campaign delivery. That’s what I will deliver.
Let’s connect our movement!
Please support Palmer, Oswin, Duddridge and Khan.
louise chinnery, adam fox, richard howitt, tbc, alex kyriacou (youth)

Louise Chinnery (L0077791)
I have been a Labour party activist since joining the party at 16. I am an active campaigner and involved in my local CLP, Mid Bedfordshire. I have been the chair, TULO officer and agent for local and parliamentary elections.
As a National Officer for UNISON, I campaign on behalf of support staff who keep the NHS running every day. I have seen first-hand the impact of Tory neglect of the NHS. If elected I will contribute to shaping Labour party policy to ensure that the NHS is put back on its feet and public services are fit for the future.
I believe that Labours new deal for working people will be the most radical reform of workers’ rights in a generation. This package will be transformative and provide workers with the meaningful rights and protections they deserve.
I am the parent of a SEND child and my family have experienced the effects of the broken system. I will engage through the NPF to ensure that parents and kids with special educational needs and their parents have a voice in much needed reforms.
Please also vote for Adam Fox, Richard Howitt, Rosie Jackson and Alex Kyriacou.

Adam Fox (L0093669)
I have been a Labour Party member for 20 years and in that time I have been a Labour Councillor and Labour Group Leader in local government. I’m a proud trade unionist. In my local party I have held various roles including CLP Secretary and CLP Chair.
As a local councillor I put Labour Party policy into practice – building new council houses, tackling the climate emergency and supporting our local high street. I want to help further develop policies like these so that we transform the lives of ordinary people after 14 years of Tory disaster. We need to develop policy so that we now make the most of being in government and rebuild our country over the coming decade.
I promise to engage with members and ensure that over the coming years Labour continues to develop policies that support ordinary working people across our region. I have campaigned across the region and I will make myself available to Labour members in the East so that I represent your views on the National Policy Forum and ensure that members’ voices are heard.
Please also vote for Louise Chinnery, Richard Howitt, Rosie Jackson and Alex Kyriacou (youth)

Richard Howitt (A348385)
As Deputy Leader of the Labour Group in the Joint Administration running Cambridgeshire County Council and former Labour Member of the European Parliament for the East of England (1994-2016), I am deeply committed to representing our region and its needs within the Labour Party.
I pride myself on my relationships with local activists across the region and our joint mission to return Labour to Government, to bring the changes which the people we represent need most.
As a councillor, I will champion local democracy. As an internationalist, I will pursue solidarity. As a trade unionist, I will support workers’ rights. As someone who grew up in poverty, I will always back public services and equalities.
As a member of the NPF’s Britain in the World Policy Commission, I seek to contribute to peace and conflict-resolution in the world.
As a longstanding NPF member, I hope I can combine my commitment to consulting local CLPs, with an ability to genuinely influence Shadow Ministers and their teams.
Our challenge is to sustain support for Labour in the run-up to the General Election – and we all fervently hope, in Government. The road to Westminster runs through the Eastern region!

Rosie Jackson (L1963122)
I was born and raised in Essex, currently living in Harlow, where I grew up. I went to the University of Kent.
For my day job, I work as a Parliamentary Assistant to a Labour MP (yes, it is a long commute). Since I was 18, I’ve also balanced being a full-time and now part-time carer to my father.
I’m a proud member of GMB, but I was also a member of USDAW for five years when I worked as a Customer Assistant at Tesco.
Please do also vote for Louise Chinnery, Adam Fox, Richard Howitt and our Youth Rep Alex Kyriacou, a fellow member of the Harlow massive!

Alex Kyriacou (Youth Rep) (L1886927)
We need strong representation for the Eastern Region to ensure that our policies are targeted to address the unique issues we face. I have the skills and experience to provide that representation, and I’ll do so while maximising involvement from young members across our region.
Using my experience as a student, worker, and party activist, I will firmly advocate for policies that enhance the communities we live in. The East needs a government that addresses the multitude of policy issues we face—from poor transport to even poorer opportunities for our young generation.
As a firm supporter of the trade union movement and proud GMB member, I’ll back policies that progress workers’ rights across all sectors. I am committed to ensuring that our region's voice is heard loud and clear in national discussions, pushing for fair wages, better working conditions, and robust support for young people entering the workforce.
Creating a more equitable and prosperous future for everyone in the Eastern region requires polices that reflect our values and diverse communities. Your support will help us achieve that change.
rezina chowdhury, sara conway, bora kwon, abdi mohamed, hollie wright (youth)

Rezina Chowdhury (L0138818)
I have been a councillor in an inner London borough since 2014 and I have lived in the ward I represent for over 20 years.
As a social researcher with 30 years of policy development experience I am passionate about public opinion gathering, engagement, and consultation. I have developed policy in public health, climate, local government, VAWG and housing.
While working at NOP in the 90s’ I managed the monthly message polls for the Labour Party Strategy Unit for two years, informing election campaign strategy and comms. Understanding issues that matter to the electorate are key to policy that resonate with both voters and members.
I have held the offices of Group Chair, Chief whip and Secretary. I am a member of GMB, Unison, the Co-op party, Fabians and the LWN. I am a current NPF member and if re-elected, I will continue to ensure local government is clearly represented, reporting regularly to London councillors ensuring they continue to play an active policy development role.
By supporting me you will have an experienced, enthusiastic NPF rep, strongly supportive of this Labour Government.
I would also encourage you to support Sara Conway, Bora Kwon, Abdi Mohammed and Hollie Wright.

Sara Conway (L1468535)
It was an honour serving on the National Policy Forum’s Safe and Secure Communities Commission and I’m committed to helping deliver the Labour Party’s key commitments on community safety, combatting violence against women and girls, together with community connection, empowerment and wealth-building.
As Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Resident Participation in Barnet Labour’s historic first administration I am delighted to have delivered our main community safety manifesto pledges in our first 2 years, together with the Borough’s first community-led events programme and a range of new community engagement initiatives. As Chair of the Safer Communities Partnership Board, I’ve helped ensure that we bring a collaborative and public health focused approach to local delivery.
I have 30 years’ experience from the creative, community and commercial sectors, bringing people together to develop and deliver transformative policies and initiatives. I continue to learn constantly from working with many local community and environmental groups, including as a trustee at the Artsdepot Theatre and at Sebby’s Corner (supporting children in need).
As an alumni of the GLA Civic Futures Programme, I’m standing to help share learning and build this collaborative spirit into policy development, listening to and working with party members across London.

Bora Kwon (L1212405)
I’m standing to be an NPF member to offer my services and experience as a Labour party member, activist, and councillor in this crucial time of our new Labour government.
I joined the party 12 years ago, in the midst of the Tory-Lib Dem coalition years when I could see that the direction the country was going in was leaving behind huge parts of our society, and in the intervening 14 years we saw things get worse. I have been a councillor in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham since 2018, where I currently serve as the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health. I have seen how Labour policies in action truly changes lives.
Elsewhere in the party, I currently serve as a member of the London Regional Board, and am a GMB union and Co-operative Party member as well.
As the new party of government, our policies are under the full glare of public scrutiny so it’s vital that Labour presents a credible, inspiring and hopeful vision to the country and world. If elected as an NPF member I will report back and work with CLPs to enable members to contribute to our policy making process.

Abdi Mohamed (L1221935)
I am standing for the National Policy Forum because I am committed to representing the varied experiences and values of our members, ensuring that our policies are inclusive and effective in addressing the challenges facing our communities.

Hollie Wright (Youth Rep) (L1622989)
I'm Hollie, and I'm thrilled to run as your Youth Rep for London. As a dedicated Labour member since 2016, I'm passionate about embedding young voices at the heart of Labour’s agenda.
Growing up under a strong Labour council, I witnessed firsthand how Labour policies transform lives. My experience in the progressive policy sector and as a public sector policy advisor has equipped me with valuable insights into the policymaking process and its real-world impacts, which I employed to advocate for youth voices in my previous NPF role.
I'm a proud member of Unite and former GMB workplace rep, so I appreciate the crucial role trade unions play in winning workers’ rights and shaping economic policy. My mission is to ensure young workers have a seat at the table.
I promise to be a vocal champion for the issues that matter most to young members: jobs, education, housing, climate, and mental health. I know the energy and optimism of young people can drive real change.
This new government presents an opportunity to shape the future for young people in London. I hope to earn your support to create a policy platform that empowers all young people, putting practice before politics.
North west
sam corcoran, connor dwyer, nathalie nicholas, claire reid, bella simpson (youth)

Sam Corcoran (A020225)
In 2011 I won the seat of Sandbach Heath and East by 6 votes, becoming the first Labour Cheshire East Councillor in Congleton constituency. Now the seat has a Labour majority of 140 and Congleton has a Labour MP.
In May 2019, as Leader of Cheshire East Council, I committed the council to being carbon neutral - and the Council is now 54% of the way to achieving that target thanks to a detailed Carbon Neutral Action Plan.
I believe in fairness and putting people before profit- that’s why I’m a Labour and Co-op councillor. I want to put those values into practice in developing Labour policies.
I went to the best school in the country (Manchester Grammar School) and the best university in the world (Oxford). I paid no university tuition fees and received a government grant to cover my living expenses. I want others to have the opportunities that I have had.
By profession I am a chartered accountant and fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation, so I also have the technical expertise of dealing with tax policy and analysing legislation.
Please also vote for Nathalie Nicholas, Claire Reid, Connor Dwyer and Bella Simpson.

Connor Dwyer (L1342067)
As we look to put country first and enter government, it is vital our policy represents the needs of ordinary people across the whole country.
I work in higher education and have experience working in further education and population policy. Through experience, I have a keen interest in local government services, and a personal interest in rail and energy policy.
I grew up in a breadline single parent household. Social housing and council services prevented my homelessness as a child and helped me through my education. I understand the importance of public services, local government and a supported state education system for opportunity and quality of life. I want my experiences and expertise to help bring informed policy discussion on education, public services, local government to the party.
I have been a campaigning Labour member for 9 years, working in Council and Parliamentary elections and by-elections across the country, and in 2023 gained Sharoe Green on Preston City Council for Labour aged 24. I’m proud to be an active member of UNISON and the Co-operative Party. It would be my honour to serve the North West on the NPF. Please also nominate Sam Corcoran, Nathalie Nicholas & Claire Reid.

Nathalie Nicholas (L0116079)
I seek your vote to serve as one of your NPF North West Representatives.
Having served on the National Policy Forum (NPF) for 2022-2023, on the Public Services that worked from the start of the policy commission, I was able to contribute a unique perspective as a nurse with over 23 years of experience. This allowed me to contribute significantly to the Labour Party policies and manifesto. I worked collectively on the Labour work plan and attended CLP meetings in the Northwest to share our NPF work.
Policy development in the Labour Party must involve members, elected representatives, trade unions and socialist societies. We see the benefit of the Labour Party listening, which enabled us to have a Labour government after 14 years of a necrotic Tory administration. I believe members can continue to help shape the Party’s policy agenda as we face the challenge of undoing 14 years of Tory austerity.
Labour Party policies should reflect the people, encompass social justice and social value to promote equity.
As a UNISON member, I firmly believe that our shared efforts and commitment can bring about meaningful change.
Please also support Sam Corcoran, Connor Dwyer, Claire Reid and Bella Simpson (youth)

Claire Reid (L0046816)
Making policy is the single most important thing that Labour Party members can do to make a Labour Government a reality, and there has never been a more vital time to make sure our Party policy is based on social justice, financial integrity and appeals to all sections of society.
For the past two years I have relished the opportunity to serve as one of your North West CLP reps on the National Policy Forum.
For 14 years I have been a Labour Councillor for Denton South, CLP Secretary for Denton and Reddish and more recently Gorton and Denton constituency.
And it was an incredible honour to deliver the NPF report to North West Regional Conference late last year.
I have the experience and proven track record to ensure this policy making process is member-centred and credible.
We as members, Trade Unionists, Councillors and MPs are facing the fight of our lives at the next General Election, and one that could see us have a Labour Prime Minister for the first time in nearly two decades.
We, together, have one chance to put forward a manifesto that is both steeped in the fairness that I know us as members so passionately defend, but one than can also see Keir Starmer elected to Downing Street to deliver the changes this country so desperately needs.
I would be honoured to represent North West members through this crucial process and would be delighted to again receive your vote for National Policy Representative.

Bella Simpson (Youth Rep) (L1954763)
In the North West we have a long history of standing in solidarity with one another. I am proud to be from Liverpool and proud to be a part of our movement. For far too long northern communities have been too often forgotten. Years of Tory neglect and austerity have seen our public services decimated and levels of inequality grow. Our strongest way of fighting back against this damaging Tory Government is a Labour Government.
I am an active party member, and trade unionist. In 2021 I served as the Oxford Labour Club’s Campaigns Officer, and then Co-Chair later on. I set up campaign days, visited CLPs country wide and looked for new ways to get more students involved. These experiences meant that I was fortunate enough to work with incredible young activists and hear their desire for change.
I am passionate about Labour’s New Deal for Working People. Higher wages, improved working conditions and the strengthening of individual, and collective, rights are examples of the type of change we desperately need and must continue to fight for, in all aspects of policy. I will fight for that, for policies that will change and improve lives for the better.
luke henman, georgia jamieson, michael mordey, melanie morley, jacob cousens (youth)

Luke Henman (L0106437)
I’m an active trade unionist, having worked as a regional official for UNISON. I’ve seen what the Tories did to public services; the scale of what needs fixing is huge and we need to make sure our Party has the policies to meet that challenge.
I’ve worked at the heart of local government in our region as a Mayoral advisor and currently work in social housing, working to tackle the housing crisis. I’d bring all this experience to the NPF.
Our region was central to past Labour Governments – and should be in this one. Our members have insights and ideas that will help our new Labour government deliver our vision for Britain.
Please also support Georgia Jamieson, Michael Mordey and Melanie Morley with Jacob Cousens for Youth Rep.

Georgia Jamieson (L0090604)
I joined Labour and the GMB as a teenager, actively campaigning for Labour across the UK. As an NPF youth representative between 2008-2011, I advocated for mandatory pay audits in the public and private sector; votes at 16 and an equalised minimum wage which would have ensured equal pay for equal work.
I’ve worked in construction and services sectors to promote better opportunities for apprentices, and with educators, trade bodies and businesses to encourage more young girls to pursue STEM qualifications and careers. I’ve led internal colleague networks to improve maternity policies, and pursued changes in policy and attitudes to enable LGBT+ colleagues to be 100% themselves at work. In financial services, I’ve advocated to improve local, regional and national infrastructure to improve connectivity, productivity and job opportunities across the North.
Labour must win the General Election to tackle the cost of living crisis caused by 14 years of chaotic Conservative government. The NPF’s work over the last 4 years will deliver a manifesto that will lead us to win in the polls. We must stay focused on developing policies for Labour’s second term to transform communities across the UK.
Please also nominate Michael Mordey, Luke Henman and Michelle Morley.

Michael Mordey (L0052726)
I would be honoured to have your support to be one of your representatives on the National Policy Forum from the Northern Region.
I am a member in Sunderland Central CLP and have been an active member of the Labour Party for over 20 years. I am currently secretary of my local branch and CLP. I have been a local councillor on Sunderland City Council since 2008.
I am standing for election to the NPF as I want to ensure that members across our region have a strong voice within our policy making process. I believe I have the relevant skills and experience to enable me to play an active role on behalf of all members, ensuring that your voice is heard within the NPF.
It is an exciting time to be a member of the Labour Party. The party is only as strong as you our passionate and dedicated members and it would be a privilege to represent you on the NPF.
As well as supporting myself, I would be grateful if you could also support Luke Henman, Georgia Jamieson and Melanie Morley as well as Jacob Cousens for Youth Rep.

Melanie Morley (L1851611)
As a local councillor, Deputy Ceremonial Mayor of Hartlepool, a Court of Protection solicitor, mum and grandmother I am eager to represent the North on Labour’s national policy forum. My focus will be on key priorities such as national care, council tax reform, support for energy and industry, and education.
I am committed to working collaboratively with CLPs across the region to ensure that our policies are inclusive and representative of the diverse needs of all our communities. I believe in further democratizing the policy forum process to actively engage with members and incorporate their perspectives into our decision-making.
Advocating for a national care system that provides accessible, affordable, and high-quality care for all will be a top priority for me as well as affordable childcare. Everyone deserves the support they need, and I will strive to ensure that our policies reflect our core principles. I will address other critical issues that are important to Labour Party members, such as healthcare, housing, social justice, and environmental sustainability. By tackling these pressing matters, we can create a more inclusive and fair society for all in the North.
Please also support Luke Henman, Georgia Jamieson, Michael Mordey and Jacob Cousens (youth).

Jacob Cousens (Youth Rep) (L1954898)
As a young person who comes from a single parent family I see the devastating impact of the Tories’ vicious austerity programme around me every day. We need a radical Labour government to transform the lives of young people across our country.
Young Labour members are the lifeblood of our movement and have a vital role to play in the election of the next Labour government. We need to energise young members to campaign for Labour in every corner of our region and that means working hard to re-establish Young Labour groups and having a genuinely democratic and transparent NPF.
Harnessing an active campaigning culture, where Young Labour members are at the forefront of campaigning for genuinely transformational change both inside and outside the party will be essential if we are to win the next general election. Likewise, young members are so much more than just campaigning tools and should have access to a strong package of political education forums from working-class history to trade union education events.
I’m proud to be standing alongside a broad coalition of trade unionists and Labour activists committed to winning a Labour government.
Heather brannan-mcvey, Stuart maclennan, michelle mcginty, ben proctor, brooke ritchie (youth)

Heather Brannan-McVey (L0096376)
I believe our shared Labour values will bring the change our country needs. We have been so badly damaged by toxic policies of the Tories and the SNP. Policies of division and austerity. I believe a Labour Government in the UK is needed to reinvigorate our country and will bring the change we all need.
I am a grassroots member of our party. I have been a councillor since 2012 as I believe in Labour led governance at all levels. I am a European and a representative of the Council of Europe Congress of Regional Local Authorities elected from the Convention Of Scottish Local Authorities. Our relationship with Europe is essential post Brexit but so are the relationships of a vibrant interconnected UK.
The NPF provides an opportunity for members to work together at the heart of policy making. We need to demonstrate our values in action so our members are motivated by our party’s vision of change. Being clear about what we stand for and what we do not.
Shaping our party’s future is shaping our countries future. To work towards a Labour Government that delivers for the British people across our home nations.
I promise to communicate regularly with CLPs.
I encourage you to vote for me, Michelle McGinty, Ben Proctor, Stuart MacLennan, and Brooke Ritchie.

Stuart MacLennan (L0050834)
I have been a Scottish Labour Party activist for over two decades, campaigning in dozens of constituencies the length and breadth of Scotland. For the past seven years, I have served as Secretary of Moray CLP.
As a member of the NPF for the past two years, I have sought to be an effective voice for grassroots members. I have attended every local meeting to which I have been invited, and organised a number of events to ensure that ordinary members have their say in the policy process.
In 2026, we will be fighting elections to the Scottish Parliament. We need to ensure that our party’s platform reflects the Scottish Labour Party’s priorities, and that we are focussed on delivering an agenda to win the Scottish Parliament elections in 2026.
In my professional life, I am an Associate Professor specialising in law and taxation. In addition to being a voice for members, I believe that I bring knowledge and experience of policy development, as well new ideas from the latest policy research to the NPF. I want to use my wide network of academic colleagues to help us develop a modern, bold, ambitious programme for government.

Michelle McGinty (L1150039)
Prior to joining the Labour Party in 2012, I was a spokesperson for the C-Diff Justice Group. I listened to the views of the families, carried out independent research, and effectively challenge NHSGGC Board and the Scottish Government to secure a Public Inquiry. Through the lessons learned we influenced Scottish Government policy.
As a mother of six, I am used to multi-tasking and had to balance my family life with my Councillor duties, campaigning, battling cancer, and still managed to gain a Law Degree at Glasgow University.
My main roles in the Council are Deputy Leader, Chair of the HSCP, and I serve on the NHSGGC Health Board. In these roles I attend weekly leadership meetings, pre-agenda meetings for political committees of the Council and the HSCP, along with NHS Board seminars. These all involve policy development, scrutiny and challenge.
I am confident that if chosen as your representative on the National Policy Forum, I can make a
positive contribution towards our policy development. I understand the importance of making sure that party members have an effective voice, and your views are reflected in policy making.
Please also support Heather Brannan-McVey, Ben Proctor, Stuart MacLennan, and Brooke Ritchie.

Ben Procter (L1240089)
For the last decade I have been a member of the Scottish Labour Party, campaigning tirelessly to advocate for a progressive future for our nation, even in the face of constitutional division.
Serving as a member of Labour’s Scottish Executive Committee representing the Co-operative Party since 2021 and as a CLP Secretary from 2016 - 2022, I have long sought to ensure that the voices of our members are not only heard but amplified.
As the election has shown us after 14 years of Tory chaos and 17 years of SNP mismanagement, Scotland is crying out for change. It is vital that our voices are heard and our perspectives integrated into UK Labour’s national policy framework.
As your representative on the NPF, I will be a dedicated, accessible advocate for members across Scotland. Together, we can build a more equal, prosperous future for everyone in our nation, grounded in Labour’s democratic socialist principles and responsive to our communities' needs.
Let’s work together to shape policies that reflect the aspirations and challenges of Scots across our country as we head into government and the 2026 Holyrood elections.
Please also support Heather Brannan-McVey, Stuart MacLennan & Michelle McGinty

Brooke Ritchie (Youth Rep) (L1959363)
My name is Brooke Ritchie and I’m a member of East Lothian CLP and the GMB Union, and I am a councillor for Preston-Seton-Gosford.
As the Young Person’s Champion at my council and an SEC youth rep, I spend most of my time pushing for the voices of young people to be heard, particularly when it comes to shaping our policy platform with young people in mind.
A key area of interest for me is education, and I am especially passionate about positive outcomes and excellent opportunities for all young people. I have promised to make this a priority for my work as a councillor and will similarly make it a priority if re-elected to the NPF.
On the NPF last year I put in amendments to extend help-to-buy support to all first time buyers, and fought hard on social security reform and securing jobs in the NE as part of the Just Transition.
It is so important that members are involved in forming and shaping our policy, especially those who are often underrepresented in politics. I will fight to amplify these voices and experiences so they are heard in the debate and can be seen in our manifesto.
South east
parmjit dhanda, duncan enright, pavitar mann, sharon mintoff, lundy mackenzie (youth)

Parmjit Dhanda (A030893)

Duncan Enright (A353945)
Together we can win and transform Britain, putting an end to a decade of Tory failure, aided by Lib Dems in coalition, at huge cost to our country. It falls to Labour again to bring social justice and fairness back to politics.
I am proud of the work we have done on the Policy Forum.
Please support me to continue that work. As an Oxfordshire councillor I have applied Labour values to combat key challenges: rampant inequalities, cost of living crisis, climate emergency, decaying democracy. I support our high streets as a bedrock of local economy and society, and to build a new transport system. I fight for new homes including good social housing, and green energy including solar and wind, often against NIMBY pressure from other parties.
On the Policy Forum I supported the best new package for people at work in a generation, alongside union colleagues. I continue to argue for a fairer voting system, as members across the Party asked me to do. I enjoy meeting members across the country, and welcome invitations to come and campaign or discuss policy issues.
Please also nominate Parmjit Dhanda, Pavitar Mann, Sharon Mintoff, and Lundy MacKenzie as Youth Rep.

Pavitar Mann (L0117309)
I have been a councillor at Slough Borough Council since 2010 and have served as Chair of Scrutiny, Cabinet Member and Deputy Leader of the Council. I am currently Leader of the Labour Group. I am a Parish Councillor and was the parliamentary candidate for Spelthorne in 2019. I proudly serve as Armed Forces Champion and sit on the Pan Berkshire Civil-Military Board. I am a member of GMB and the Co-Operative Party. Additionally, I have served on the SE Regional Executive since 2021. I am active in my CLP, having served as EC and GC delegate and branch secretary. I previously worked as a Campaign Organiser and have campaigned extensively throughout the country.
I am committed to playing my role in securing a Labour government, as that is the only way to deliver the transformational change that is required in our country. Labour’s founding principles of equality, fairness and social justice must be at the heart of everything we seek to achieve. I am particularly passionate about housing, increasing the supply, quality and security of homes, embedding the voice of care-leavers and care-experienced people, guaranteeing good quality services to our armed forces and veterans and the increased recognition of the role and benefits of kinship carers.

Sharon Mintoff (L1179873)
After 14 years of chaos and mismanagement of our country inflicted by the Tories and for 5 years with the LibDems, we now have the chance to change our country for the better, with our Labour government.
I have served as your representative for the South East on the NPF for the last 2 years, playing an active part in the Safe & Secure Communities Policy Commission, including a very busy weekend in Nottingham in July 2023, when we finalised the Commissions, which went to National Conference and were passed in Liverpool last year, which formed the basis for our election-winning manifesto.
As an NHS worker in the very busy Trauma & Orthopaedic Department at my local hospital, I can see the damage done by a Tory Party that simply does not care about our beloved NHS. I am looking forward to change, where staff feel valued and patients are not waiting over a year for life changing operations.
I would love to continue my work on the NPF on your behalf.
Please also vote for Parmjit Dhanda, Duncan Enright, Pavitar Mann and Lundy MacKenzie as Youth Rep.

Lundy MacKenzie (Youth Rep) (L1949888)
I was born under a Labour government but educated under a Conservative one. I joined the Labour Party at 17 because I was fed up at the Tories neglect of our education system and excited about the prospect of Labour in power. I am running for NPF to push for progressive policies that will ensure that young people, like myself, will have every opportunity under a Labour government.
I am a student, so I know first hand that many of us can’t afford another Conservative government. Whether that is because of soaring rental costs, an underfunded NHS or the mountain of student debt, young people are crying out for change.
As a previous Chair of Brighton & Hove Young Labour and CLP Exec member, I know what it takes to advocate for young people within the party and that is exactly what I will do if elected to the NPF. I will work with CLP Youth Officers and our region‘s young members, to ensure that our voice is at the forefront of our party‘s policy platform.
Please also nominate: Dhanda, Enright, Mann and Mintoff
South WEst
Chris Cuddihee, Jude Robinson, Ashley Smith, Judy Wilson, Katie Truman (youth)

Chris Cuddihee (L1332129)
I’m standing to support Keir Starmer’s leadership to secure what we all hope will be an extended period of Labour government. I want to see Labour finally become the natural party of power in this country.
I live, work and am a party member in Plymouth. I am a member of GMB and the Society of Labour Lawyers. I am a barrister. I have been a tribal Labour voter all my life.
I intend to speak up for the South-West in National Policy Forum. I want to represent all our South-West members. We all know our region suffers a broken housing market, low pay, poor transport links, and too many young people leave to seek better career and educational prospects elsewhere.
We don’t get our fair share here and we need to policies which deliver for the South-West, and which help us win in Cornwall, Plymouth, Bournemouth, Gloucester, Swindon, Bristol, Stroud, and North Somerset.
Our region is and will continue to be a key General Election battleground.
Please also vote for Judy Wilson, Jude Robinson, Ashley Smith, and Katie Truman as Youth Rep.

Jude Robinson (A190442)
I have been an active Labour campaigner in Cornwall and the South West since 1990, also a Co-operative member and a local councillor.
Our General Election results are fantastic but just the start. We must support our new MPs in tackling the huge challenges we face in government. The National Policy Forum developed our successful manifesto but now we begin a new cycle. By listening to members and our communities, we can build on success in government, feedback on implementation and inspire members to keep campaigning with us. These are my goals - we have to keep listening and responding.
Together with the other South West NPF members last year, we represented ideas from the Policy Conference in Taunton, from local constituency events and from regular canvassing. On issues from dentistry to biodiversity, from truly affordable homes to the knowledge economy and investment in renewables across the region, we now see these policies in action.
Please vote also for Ashley Smith, Chris Cudihee, Judy Wilson and Katie Truman (youth), so we can continue to work together for members across the South West.

Ashley Smith (L1890156)
As a councillor and deputy-leader of my Labour group, I intend to use this platform to find policy solutions to the real issues facing our communities. This experience in local government, and having served on the NPF for the past two years, empowers me to put members voices at the heart of Labour’s policymaking process.
Last year, I chaired an event at our South West Policy Conference in Taunton - with Kerry McCarthy - looking at environmental and scientific policy. I strongly believe that this sort of event, engaging members, is essential and if elected I will continue to develop member participation.
During my tenure I engaged extensively with charities, business, and academia, to make sure that the Labour Party is able to build a progressive future for our country. Labour must fight the next election with the strongest manifesto possible and prepare for a decade in government. For my part, I wish to continue on the NPF to champion our climate and nature recovery, promote British science to help address these challenges whilst growing the economy, and promote affordable housing for all.
Please support Judy Wilson, Jude Robinson and Chris Cuddihee, alongside Katie Truman as your youth representative.

Judy Wilson (L0131597)
After an historic Labour victory in July we are now discovering the full extent of Tory economic sabotage. Our government must carry on listening to members to find radical, affordable and workable solutions to produce a decade of national renewal.
Twenty three years as a UNISON representative in Bristol, fourteen years working for the return of a Labour government and the last three years as Vice Chair, helping build my CLP back up have all taught me what we can achieve by working together.
I was proud to represent you last year on a promise to involve more members than ever and support dialogue across our region. As NPF representatives we held local and regional in person and online events. Working with CLP Policy Officers across Bristol and beyond I have started taking this forward locally in a series of policy events.
I listened and raised your priorities in my work commission. We won a significant amendment at the final meeting in July, which now forms the basis of Labour’s commitment to NHS dentistry.
If you support me please also support Chris Cuddihee, Jude Robinson and Ashley Smith plus Katie Truman as Youth Representative.

Katie Truman (Youth Rep) (L1878436)
I’m standing to support Keir Starmer’s leadership to secure what we all hope will be an extended period of Labour government. I want to see Labour finally become the natural party of power in this country.
I live, work and am a party member in Plymouth. I am a member of GMB and the Society of Labour Lawyers. I am a barrister. I have been a tribal Labour voter all my life.
I intend to speak up for the South-West in National Policy Forum. I want to represent all our South-West members. We all know our region suffers a broken housing market, low pay, poor transport links, and too many young people leave to seek better career and educational prospects elsewhere.
We don’t get our fair share here and we need to policies which deliver for the South-West, and which help us win in Cornwall, Plymouth, Bournemouth, Gloucester, Swindon, Bristol, Stroud, and North Somerset.
Our region is and will continue to be a key General Election battleground.
Please also vote for Judy Wilson, Jude Robinson, Ashley Smith, and Katie Truman as Youth Rep.
chris carter, lilith fenris, jess moultrie, sian taylor, charlotte davies (youth)

Chris Carter (L1222085)
I am delighted to be standing as the CLP representative for the National Policy Forum following 15 years of activism. I am currently Vice Chair of our CLP and the Chair of my fantastic local branch, having done the years of the hard yards many activists undergo before putting themselves forward for our NPF.
I am standing because we need to be loud and clear about the future we want for our party and for Wales. I have always approached any elected position in the party from the perspective that I am the voice of members to our party institutions, not the other way around. I intend to continue that philosophy on the NPF.
By electing strong Welsh voices onto the NPF we can ensure:
- Members ideas form the bedrock of the next party manifesto
- Our policies ahead of the next Senedd elections are robust and radical
- We will continue to make the case for changes to Wales’ funding through our party’s structures and unlock our potential as a nation
Please vote for me and I will continue to be that voice.

Lilith Fenris (L1946756)
I was motivated to run for the NPF, having been on the receiving end of cruel and discriminatory Tory policies. Not least the dehumanising impact of Universal Credit on young people and the harm caused by their anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric.
I’ve campaigned across the UK, from my hometown of Llanelli in South Wales to Ribble Valley in Northern England. I am passionate about rebuilding the dignity and equality eroded by the Tories. As an elected town councillor in a deprived ward, I have actively volunteered for food banks, raised funds for charities and set up an LGBTQ+ support group. Working closely with colleagues and community partners, I have gone beyond traditional council duties to counter the impact of Tory policies.
Coming from a deprived Welsh community, my experience will prove invaluable for developing practical, sustainable, member-led policy. I will work alongside an elected Labour government in Westminster to implement comprehensive, compassionate policies that change lives. Collaboration with the devolved administrations and local government is vital - this will underpin my approach.
I seek your support alongside Chris Carter, Sian Taylor and Jess Moultrie. We will work together to provide a positive voice for Welsh members

Jess Moultrie (L1431948)
I’m seeking election to the NPF because I have the drive to help our party create progressive, effective policy that will change things for people who have been failed by 14 years of Conservative chaos.
I live with my family in Cardiff where I grew up. I’ve seen at first-hand Tory austerity hurting my community. That’s what convinced me to stand for and win a seat on the city council. I wanted to defend our highly valued public services.
I became the youngest scrutiny chair in the Council for the Children and Young Persons Scrutiny Committee. I’ve learned how to be an effective critical friend with the community’s interests at heart. I’ve also become a school governor, a role that has further improved my ability to make difficult decisions whilst keeping inclusivity, equality, and sustainability at the top of the agenda. I’ve been a dedicated Labour member for nine years.
I will use my experience as a campaigner, a councillor, a CLP women’s officer and a school governor to make and scrutinise policy for a fairer, stronger and greener country.
I seek your support alongside Chris Carter, Lillith Fenris, Sian Taylor and Charlotte Davies (youth). We will work together to provide a positive voice for Welsh members.

Sian Taylor (A534504)
I have been a Labour member since 1986 and am a member of Swansea West CLP.
I seek re-election to the NPF, having served since 2022. I am proud to have contributed to developing the manifesto that led to the recent Labour landslide and now want to contribute to policy development with Labour in power to achieve our aims for a fairer, more equal society.
I bring the experience of a 40+ year career in community nursing and a six-year term as an Oxford city councillor, where I served as group whip and sat on various committees and scrutiny groups. Since retirement, I’ve been a volunteer and trustee for a Wales-wide charity which supports families with children.
Throughout, I have demonstrated a firm commitment to reducing inequalities, but I recognise that national policy must meet the needs of all parts of the UK. The Labour government must work in partnership with the devolved administrations in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and with Labour in local government.
I seek your support alongside Chris Carter, Lilith Ferris and Jess Moultrie, and Charlotte Davies as youth rep. We will work together to provide a positive voice for Welsh members.

Charlotte Davies (Youth Rep) (L1913295)
I joined Labour in 2020 at 16, as it entered a new era as a changed Labour Party. My grandparents are trade unionists to their core, influencing my values growing up as they cared for me while my parents worked.
After my experience of exploitative work in the tourism sector, I'm passionate about fair work for young people. I have joined the Unite Wales Youth Committee to work towards positive change for young workers in all sectors.
I have also previously represented the interests of young people as part of a local youth forum, and successfully challenged my University and Students’ Union to update inadequate Equality Policies.
Welsh Labour has made positive differences to people’s lives for 25 years, but we can go further. I am committed to fighting for fair policies for Wales, and will advocate for policies that benefit us, such as fair Barnett consequentials from HS2, and further devolution of policing and justice.
I am eager to contribute to shaping policies that benefit young people, in co-operation with Young Labour branches and the elected Chair of Welsh Young Labour.
Please also support Jess Moultrie, Chris Carter, Sian Taylor, and Lilith Fenris for your CLP reps!
west midlands
luke john davies, cathy parry, kindy sandhu, sid khan, talia marie (youth)

Luke John Davies (L0151064)
I’m a working class kid done good, but it wasn’t always a straight line. I’ve been in poverty, sofa-surfed without a place of my own and used foodbanks. But through a mix of good luck, helping hands and hard work I am now in a much better place in my life.
I serve as the Vice-Chair of the Fabian Society, stood for Parliament in the last election and work every day in health policy for a medical Royal College tackling the problems affecting our NHS. I’m a shop steward for Unison, Chair of Smethwick CLP and Chair of Sandwell Co-Op Party. I am also a local Councillor in the Black Country, where I Chair the Economy, Skills, Transport and Environment Scrutiny Board. I have a PhD, and I'm disabled.
All of these experiences and the things I’ve done in my life mean that not only can I formulate policy I also understand first-hand how it affects people in our society, from the most vulnerable to those better off. I want to put my skills and lived experiences at the service of the NPF.
Please vote for me, and also Haleem Majahid, Cathy Perry, Kindy Sandhu and Talia Marie (youth).

Cathy Parry (A099157)
I am proud to have been nominated to stand to represent the West Midlands Region for the National Policy Forum. I would like to thank all those members, and CLPs across the region for all their support.
As someone who has been an active member of the Labour Party for over 40 years and an active trade unionist since my first job in retail, I have seen how we as a movement have changed and developed policy to reflect the realities of the real world.
I want to be involved in the National Policy Forum to help develop policies that can deliver real change for our country. With our new Labour Government now in place, our policies need to reflect our values and respond to the needs of people in our communities who have never needed a Labour government more.
If elected I want to be able to respond and work with CLPs across the Region in discussing and developing policy that takes our movement forward and delivers for all.
Which is why I’m asking for your vote, please also vote for Luke John Davies, Saheed Khan, Haleem Majahid and Kindy Sandhu for a strong voice for the West Midlands.

Kindy Sandhu (L1227746)
In 2018, I was elected Councillor for Earlsdon, a ward considered “unwinnable”, ending 22 years of unbroken Tory wins. In 2022, I retained Earlsdon with 53% of the vote share. I increased my majority by over 700%, against the national swing.
As Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, I have fought the Tories to stop them from stripping funding from our children’s education and tackle rising energy and inflationary costs. In 2023 I launched my vision for Coventry schools to be part of the UNESCO Schools Network at the Houses of Parliament with MPs, local councillors, schools and UNESCO in attendance. I have a long-standing track record as a trade union activist.
As a senior manager at a telecommunications company, I maintained my trade union membership. With the union, I democratised pay awards arranged confidence-building training for women engineers and introduced flexible working for all. Our entitlement to high-quality education and healthcare, decent housing, clean water, reliable transport, and a planet that survives was eroded by the Tories and with a Labour Government we can reverse that by engaging with our communities, rebuilding faith and trust in a Labour Government.
Please support Luke John Davies, Cathy Perry, Haleem Majahid and Talia Marie (youth).

Haleem Majahid (L1235167)

Talia Marie (Youth Rep) (L1949947)
I joined Labour in 2021, and since then, the tables have turned for the Tories, however, we must keep up the fight. Being an elected youth councillor for 2 years, I collaborated with many workers in the youth sector. There, I saw first-hand the positive impact that youth services have on young people, but also the cuts the Tories have made, which will only negatively impact young people both now and in the future. I’d push for Labour to put the younger generation on its priorities list.
I’m currently a student at Warwick University and a member of its Labour Party. I’d work hard to listen to the views of the youth in the West Midlands and continue to make politics accessible for all.
Labour winning the next General Election is non-negotiable. From tackling the climate crisis to the mental health crisis, the NPF will continue to push for a Labour manifesto with bold policies to make real positive changes that the everyday citizen will be able to experience. I was 5 when Labour was last in power, so Tory Britain is all my generation has really known, but we deserve better and must get it under Labour.
Yorkshire & the humber
salma arif, lisa banes, julia rockett, alice smart, lucy hulme (youth)

Salma Arif (L1187348)
I am seeking your support to be one of your representatives on the National Policy Form.
I was born and raised in Harehills, Leeds. A deprived yet diverse part of the city. The sudden death of my father in 1997 meant my mother was left to raise five children alone. Fortunately for my family, we had the Labour government’s policies that protected us at our most vulnerable.
In 2016 I was elected to Leeds City Council with 79% of the vote.
Within council I have held numerous roles, presently I am the Cabinet Member for ASC, Public Health & Active Lifestyles.
As a Councillor I first-hand witness the crippling impact of Tory austerity on our communities. We have seen 14 years of widening inequalities, reliance on food banks rising, homelessness soaring and a marked increase in racism, xenophobia, and division.
Labour is on the brink of governing and I want to ensure members across the region are part of shaping our future policies. My record as an elected councillor, proficient doorstep campaigner and unifier of communities gives me the experience to represent you at the NPF.
Please also support Alice SMART, Lisa BAINES, Julia ROCKETT, and Lucy HULME (youth REP).

Lisa Banes (L0150562)
I am standing again as one of your NPF reps to ensure that the voices of Yorkshire members are heard loud and clear within our party.
I have been an active Labour member since 2010, am Chair of my CLP, and a member of Yorks Regional Exec. I am proud to have contributed policy on migrant pay justice, supporting local high streets, early years provision and police reform in the last policy cycle.
I am an experienced and seasoned campaigner and am proud to have played my part supporting target seats and standing as a Parliamentary candidate within our region.
As a hard-working single mother living in social housing, it is important that voices like mine are present in decision making as someone the Labour Party exists to help. Barnsley born and raised, though living in Sheffield, I am very in touch with the needs of towns and rural communities which can be overlooked in decision-making, and I have and will continue to visit every CLP which invites me to talk about policy, hear your views, and demystify the way that party structures work.
I hope you'll join me in also supporting Julia Rockett, Salma Arif, Alice Smart and Lucy Hulme (Youth).

Julia Rockett (L1525298)
I would love to have your support to continue as your CLP Rep on the National Policy Forum.
I’m an active Labour Party member, work for a Labour MP and campaign across the Yorkshire region as often as I can.
I don't have a glittering CV or a list of achievements to share. I'm a single parent to 4 children and I understand the challenges faced by so many because I've faced them myself. I've experienced living in poverty, navigated the complicated benefits system and struggled to find somewhere to live due to the housing crisis.
It's so important that working class women like myself have their voices heard at every level in the Labour Party as I feel we are currently underrepresented.
I know the difference a Labour government will make to millions of people, and I would love to have the opportunity to help shape the policies that will change lives for the better.
Please also vote for Salma Arif, Lisa Banes, Alice Smart and Lucy Hulme (youth).

Alice Smart ( L1183116)
My name is Alice Smart and I’m delighted to be standing for re-election to the National Policy Forum where I will continue to be a strong voice for members across Yorkshire and Humber.
I'm a Labour councillor, constituency caseworker and party activist. I joined the Labour Party as a teenager over a decade ago and have campaigned for our party in every election since then.
I sit on the Yorkshire and Humber Labour Party Regional Executive Committee and I'm a proud member of Unite the Union and Labour Women’s Network. I was also part of the first cohort of the Jo Cox Women in Leadership Programme.
If re-elected to the National Policy Forum, my number one priority will be shaping policies that will help Labour win in 2024 and regain support in our region. We know that winning the trust of voters in Yorkshire and Humber will be key to winning the next General Election and giving Keir Starmer the keys to Number 10.

Lucy Hulme (Youth Rep) (L1809481)
I joined the Labour Party aged 15 and have found my political home, through a network of fantastic campaigners and advocates. Alongside this, for the past year I have been the chair of the British Youth Councils Votes at 16 Youth Action Group and the Women’s Representative for Sheffield Labour Students.
Featuring as a speaker at this years Labour Party Conference, my desire to push for genuine, ambitious youth led policy grew. I firmly believe that young members within the party deserve a place at the table, advocating for the issues that affect them and allowing for the implementation of effective and inclusive policy, that represents members across the UK.
Young members within the Labour Party are the mechanisms for change. I want to see political education amplified within academia, to guarantee that all students are offered robust and routine seminars focusing on politics, democracy and policy creations. If young people are given the tools to thrive, their invaluable input will generate great change and better opportunities for future generations.
With a General Election approaching, the Youth members on the National Policy Forum must continue to push for legislation and innovative policy that reflects our direct requirements and demands. We can and will build a society that is reflective of the needs of young to people, enhancing lives and changing communities.
WCAC (Women's Conference arrangements committee)
Emily Moore, Rebecca Pawley, Ruba sivagnaman

Emily Moore (L1747279)
Rebecca Pawley (L1228300)

Ruba Sivagnaman (L0120668)
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